Anyways, I decided that it was time to back up the pictures from my phone before I lose them due to a drop on the floor, a splash into water, or whatever other tragedies that could happen to it. As I was browsing through a gazillion pics in my smart device, I realized there are many, many pics that might be of interest to my readers/prospective ADEC teachers and that I should have posted them a long time ago but just didn't for some reason! So without further ado here they are below.
My Danat Tower B Apartment:
Entrance of the Building
My Long Hallway - 1st Door = Half Bath, 2nd Door = Kitchen,
Around the Corner = 2 Bedrooms + Full Bath
My Big Balcony + Half Bath + Unfurnished Kitchen
No electrical outlets in bathrooms for your hair drying & styling needs - go figure
so be prepared to set your vanity near one in your bedroom
Furnished Kitchen
Water cooler thingy is essential - I purchased a 200 aed voucher book
from Nestle Water (800 4404) - 20 (5 US gallons) bottles for 10 aed each.
Washer/dryer warning: Dryers do not work well in this country.
Ended up buying large drying racks and setting them near a window.
You might want to save yourself some money and just buy a washer only
Some Bathroom Decor - Desert Style
A Bachelorette Living Room / Dining Room
I did change out that itty bitty rug to a larger one lol
My Serenity
My Toil
My Chillin' Spot
My School:
My school is one of the oldest, if not THE oldest, school in Abu Dhabi.
Festivities around National Day in December
Grade 6 Food Market / Souk
It was lovely to see the boys doing a great job managing the market
My Humble Classroom
Our Working Wall
SMART reading strategy + TAGS writing strategy
Pre-reading activity - Storyboarding
Alliteration Competition
Marking up baseline exams
Whew! That's the most pics I have ever posted in one post. I hope you enjoyed it! Until next time...