Don't get me wrong. I love all those events but I have to get the next chapter of my life started.
I understand that the pace of life is different in the UAE than it is here in the US of A but I'm not there yet. Why am I already feeling the effects of their leisurely lifestyle? For future ADEC teachers who are reading this, yes, the waiting is real! I was originally told that the anticipated departure would be 12/26 - 12/28. Less than a week before that, an email informed me that there was an unexpected delay in visa processing so now the time to leave could be sometime in mid-January. Well, it's over a week past mid-January and I am still obsessively checking my inbox for the golden ticket as are about 100 teachers from different parts of the world. It's not the waiting that's killing everyone, it's the not knowing. Most have already rented out their homes, sold their cars, quit their jobs, and taken their children out of school. With daily spending and funds running low, people are beginning to be desperate. At this time a lot of positive self-talk and deep breathes are essential to survival. As much as I would like to refrain from Facebook and checking my email morning til night, my recruiting company tells me that I need to do just that, encouraging such compulsive behavior. Teach Away says that it's important that I check because the e-ticket could come any minute and I need to confirm my passport information promptly for the travel agency to issue it. So the roller coaster of emotions continues, hopeful, disappointed, hopeful, disappointed.
To my family and friends who are reading this, I really don't mean to be Becky the Friendly Ghost, hanging around and not letting go. I'm wondering why I'm still here as much as you are. One thing we do need to get straight, though, this gig is not a hoax - a handful of teachers have already landed in Abu Dhabi, meeting each other and exploring the city. I cannot wait to be one of them, soon, very soon I hope. Until then don't be shocked to see me around!
A random thought (because I simply cannot leave this post on such a depressing note) - I am excited about Chicago's Restaurant (Two) Week! Already made plans with friends to visit ZED451 for dinner. Maybe I'll get a chance to try out GT Fish & Oyster as well! Nom, nom, nom away!
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