Saturday, March 25, 2017

Yup, Still Here Playing in the Sandbox!

I'm writing this post from Hamad International Airport in Qatar, waiting to board my flight to Sri Lanka. Not sure what's causing the delay but I hope it doesn't get in the way of getting my Spring Break on!

3 years flew by just like that and I'm happy to report that Abu Dhabi and I are still getting along just fine. It's an annual evaluation and re-evaluation but I can see myself here for a few more years - 5 years in AD feels right though I just might weather out the Trump storm and see which way the US sways in 2018 and 2020. In the meantime I have many things to check off my Middle East and traveling bucket lists. Seriously, it doesn't get any better than this - eternal sunshine, safe and comfortable living, great work-life balance, the world at your fingertips. Yes there will be times when certain situations might test your patience and sanity but if you set and stick to your goals, choose your battles, and keep trucking along, you'll do just fine.


I have noticed that newcomers have similar questions about working here, so I'm gonna try and answer them in this post.

1. Is it easy for my spouse to find work? Honestly, the answer is 70% no and 30% yes. It does depend  on your spouse's field of work and the most ideal situation is for him/her to get hired by a company from your home country that has offices here. Otherwise, it can get quite competitive or opportunities might be limited or the pay could be low. The only other option is get creative and dig into your entrepreneurial spirit.

2. What is the hardest adjustment? For some people, it's definitely getting placed in a region (Al Gharbia / Western Region) that they did not want. However, I do know a good number of people who have made it work with frequent weekend getaways or extra money/savings they get from being in a more remote location. Another difficult adjustment is not adapting well to the work environment. The last one is not being able to go with the flow because there's quite a bit of running around from department to department, desk to desk around here from time to time. One person will tell you one thing and another will tell you something completely different. You might get passed around and around and feeling like you're not getting anywhere. BUT if you just persevere, things do gradually and then suddenly and miraculously get done! Oh, you might get informed about things last minute but expected to have them completed immediately so be ready for the unexpected!

3. When will I get my visa and ticket to begin work? Nobody really knows because there truly is no rhyme or reason for how things get done as the process goes through different departments, agencies, and hands. You could interview with the same people but some will go early and some late. You could be the last to turn in your documents but the first to fly - but definitely do try and turn in your paperwork as soon as possible. I do have to say, some things are becoming more clear and efficient to get done around here despite constant changes.

Well, this is all for now. I'll put up some pictures in my next post (hopefully soon)!



1 comment:

  1. Well…!! If The content placement would be little correct it look good and images also very good.
